Offering you the latest news, analysis, and opinion on all things faith, work, and economics.
Your Help Is Hurting: How Church Foreign Aid Programs Make Things Worse Forbes
[W]hen he gave something the first time, there was gratitude; and when he gave something a second time to that same community, there was anticipation; the third time, there was expectation; the fourth time, there was entitlement; and the fifth time, there was dependency. – Peter Greer, interviewed by Jerry Bowyer
Beyond Purely Economic Solutions to Poverty Shared Justice
Though poverty does have decidedly economic and material components, it also includes that which are relational and spiritual. – The Editorial Team
Appreciating McDonald’s: Beyond Minimum Mindedness Acton
Rather than viewing human persons as creative beings with creative potential designed to serve and contribute to creative purposes, the bourgeois chatterclass paints low-skilled laborers as hopeless serfs, trapped and beholden to the cauldron-stirring of domineering cheeseburger overlords. – Joseph Sunde
Smash Capitalism and You Destroy Civilization Forbes
[W]e can’t discard what economics has to teach and expect civilization to endure. – Art Carden
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