How to Be a ‘NICER’ Christian at Work

By: Roland Heersink

6 minute read

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Truth That Defines Our Relationships & Our Lives

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Editor’s note: Russell Gehrlein was a special guest on the syndicated radio program The Plumb Line, hosted by Jay Rudolph,…

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Does God Care About How I Work?

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A LinkedIn study found that in December 2023, forty-six percent of job applications were submitted to ten percent of all…

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How to Find Work-Life Balance Through Sabbath Rest

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Searching the phrase “work-life balance” online produces an avalanche of results. The recommendations provided to create a work-life balance vary…

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Truth, Love & the Golden Rule

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Editor’s note: Russell Gehrlein was a special guest on the syndicated radio program The Plumb Line, hosted by Jay Rudolph, on…

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Four Big Lessons of ‘Little’ Time

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Favorite stories feature a time piece, counting down a deadline. The tock-ticking crocodile haunts Captain Hook in Peter Pan. An…

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I read an article a while ago that has stuck with me. The author described how, during a conversation with…

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Understanding Truth at Work Through Scripture

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Editor’s note: Russell Gehrlein was a special guest on the syndicated radio program The Plumb Line, hosted by Jay Rudolph, on…

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Cultivating Faithfulness at Work

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Greetings from Ghana! So thankful for traveling mercies! I was recently asked to give a speech for a large international…

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