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How to Be a ‘NICER’ Christian at Work

By: Roland Heersink

6 minute read
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Truth That Defines Our Relationships & Our Lives

By: Russell Gehrlein

7 minute read

The greatest tool God has given you to impact the world: your work.


From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible teaches that God cares about your work.


Your job description: to do your best to invest all of your life and work for God’s glory.


Through the everyday faithful work of your hands, God brings about biblical flourishing to advance his kingdom.


Your path to greater purpose at work starts here.

Media Type
  • At Work
How to Be a ‘NICER’ Christian at Work

By: Roland Heersink

6 minute read

As Christians at work, we are deeply aware of the gap that exists between Sunday and Monday. Although the two…

  • At Work
  • Theology 101
Truth That Defines Our Relationships & Our Lives

By: Russell Gehrlein

7 minute read

Editor’s note: Russell Gehrlein was a special guest on the syndicated radio program The Plumb Line, hosted by Jay Rudolph,…

  • At Work
Does God Care About How I Work?

By: Scot Bellavia

5 minute read

A LinkedIn study found that in December 2023, forty-six percent of job applications were submitted to ten percent of all…

  • Theology 101
How to Find Work-Life Balance Through Sabbath Rest

By: Dr. Andrew Spencer

6 minute read

Searching the phrase “work-life balance” online produces an avalanche of results. The recommendations provided to create a work-life balance vary…