Freedom to flourish.
Watch the Video→The greatest tool God has given you to impact the world: your work.

From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible teaches that God cares about your work.

Your job description: to do your best to invest all of your life and work for God’s glory.

Through the everyday faithful work of your hands, God brings about biblical flourishing to advance his kingdom.
Your path to greater purpose at work starts here.
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Why does stepping into a new calendar year feel so challenging? Overwhelming even? Make no mistake in your musings to…
- Arts & Culture
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Our friend and IFWE contributor, Dr. Stephen Presley, recently highlighted five helpful books for pastors. I wanted to contribute my…
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One of our great leadership challenges is to always be presenting God and his work to the people in our…
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2024 was a great year for books, particularly those that help Christians think deeply about ministry in this cultural moment….
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