
Category: Economics 101

  • Economics 101
Critiques of Marketplace Poverty Alleviation

By: Dr. Richard Turnbull

4 minute read

In my previous blog posts, I have explained two important principles Christians have used in fighting poverty: the voluntary principle…

  • Economics 101
Christian Examples in Poverty Alleviation

By: Dr. Richard Turnbull

5 minute read

  In alleviating poverty, we often talk about the need for solutions on the local and individual level. But what…

  • Economics 101
Christianity’s Historical Approach to Poverty

By: Dr. Richard Turnbull

4 minute read

How can Christians learn from history to best serve the poor? The competing paradigms within evangelical thought on poverty alleviation…

  • Economics 101
Does Monetary Policy Create Injustice?

By: Austin Rogers

8 minute read

We recently discussed some of the most commonly cited potential causes of the recent rise in income and wealth inequality….

  • Economics 101

“Inequality” is one of the buzziest of buzzwords in the Western world today, and not without good reason. Over the…

  • Economics 101
  • Public Square

The promise of America is a dream. It is not the promise of an easy life, material wealth, or even…

  • Economics 101
How Voting with Our Feet Serves the Common Good

By: Dr. Anne Bradley

6 minute read

It’s election season in the U.S., and we are hearing a lot about voting. This reminds me of a public…

  • Economics 101
  • Theology 101
A Christological Vision for Human Flourishing

By: Dr. Joshua Nangle

7 minute read

If we were to walk across any college campus in America, chances are strong we would come across a discussion…

  • Arts & Culture
  • Economics 101
Remembering Dr. James G. Gwartney

By: Jacqueline Isaacs

5 minute read

We at the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics were deeply saddened to learn of the passing of James G….

  • Economics 101
A Bigger Vision of Stewardship

By: Jason Myhre

7 minute read

Stewardship is the idea that God is the rightful owner of all things. Psalm 24:1 says this very clearly: “The…