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The Institute for Faith, Work & Economics™ (IFWE) is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) Christian research organization committed to promoting biblical and economic principles that help individuals find fulfillment in their work and contribute to a free and flourishing society.

By advertising to the readers of the IFWE blog, you will gain visibility among a highly educated, diverse, and engaged Christian audience. How can such exposure advance your mission?

IFWE Audience
  • Readership has grown exponentially since IFWE launched in 2012. In 2018, the IFWE website had more than one million unique visitors. As of December 2018, more than 42,000 people receive the blog by e-mail.
  • Every one of these readers has interacted with IFWE’s content through reading plans, web content, book offers, or live events.
  • 56% of our readers are female, 44% are male.
  • 78% of our readers are professionals between the ages of 30 and 64.
  • 66% of our readers have an income above the national average.

For information about blog advertising and sponsorship, download our media kit below.  Please contact us directly at or call (703) 962-7877.

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