You were designed to flourish.
Watch the video→Our Mission & Core Values
Our mission is to educate and inspire Christians to live out a Biblical theology that integrates faith, work, and economics.
The Institute for Faith, Work & Economics (IFWE) is a Christian organization advancing a free and flourishing society by revolutionizing the way people view their work. We believe the Bible’s timeless truths about the purpose of our work and how to make wise decisions with all that we've been given. When Christians understand and live out the biblical meaning of work, then lives, societies, and nations will be transformed for Christ.
Flourishing comes when we figure out what we are made for and how we fit into God's big picture of restoration. Biblical flourishing is distinct from worldly flourishing in that it comes from God and is for God’s glory. It’s a foretaste of the wholeness and joy of life in God’s coming kingdom
Watch The Video→What We Do
Research-based and practical answers to the hard questions of faith and work…
The Institute for Faith, Work & Economics (IFWE) combines well-researched theological and economic principles with practical resources to help Christians integrate their faith in the workplace and empower them to become better stewards of all their God-given talents and resources.
Integration of powerful ideas that bring purpose and direction for your everyday decisions…
While many view faith, work, and economics as three separate fields, we show how they are intimately linked and how integrating them can lead to personal fulfillment and societal flourishing. To this end, we offer a refreshing biblical perspective about the importance of work and how it helps accomplish God’s plan for people and the planet.
Empowering you to bring about flourishing for the glory of God…
We provide Christians with the reasons, insights, and motivation to excel in the workplace and make a difference in the world. Our vision is to see Christians through their vocation, making a positive, sustainable difference in the world for the flourishing of all mankind and the glory of God!
Resources & Who We Serve
IFWE’s resources come out of the belief that the Bible is the chief authority and guide for all our lives. Through blogs, videos, campus programs, small group studies, social media, and online learning, we are helping people understand the true meaning and impact of their work.
We believe that all Christians – young and old, blue collar and white collar, full-time, part-time and retired – will be enriched and empowered by IFWE’s message of freedom, fulfillment, and flourishing. Whether you are a student, business leader, homemaker, or even in-between jobs, we welcome you here and pray that our material is both relevant and revolutionary.
Visiting Scholars & Research Fellows
Our extended team of academics who help contribute to the theological and economic depth of our content.
Anne Bradley, Ph.D.
Senior Research Fellow
Art Lindsley, Ph.D.
Senior Research Fellow
David Kotter, Ph.D
Visiting Scholar
Rev. Timothy Ewest, Ph.D.
Visiting Scholar
Doug Bandow, J.D.
Senior Research Fellow
Chad Brand, Ph.D.
Senior Research Fellow
Art Carden, Ph.D.
Senior Research Fellow
Paul Cleveland, Ph.D.
Senior Research Fellow
Paul Jeon, Ph.D.
Senior Research Fellow
J.P. Moreland, Ph.D.
Senior Research Fellow
Tom Pratt, Ph.D.
Senior Research Fellow
Andrew Spencer, Ph.D.
Senior Research Fellow
Derek Yonai, Ph.D.
Senior Research Fellow
"Research now shows that treating people according to biblical principles in the workplace improves profitability and employee engagement. "What makes IFWE so unique is that they are talking to people in the workforce who have to live these realities every day. If we can help them see how the gospel changes their work, we can bring greater flourishing to workplaces everywhere.”
– Matt Perman, Author of What’s Best Next and Unstuck
“I now understood why God created me the way he did and why he put me on earth. God takes great pleasure in what I, created in his image, produce! I can finish a hard day and hear my Father say, "Good job, I'm pleased with how you worked today! We did well!” I cannot begin to describe how this validates and inspires me.”
– Chris Jordan, Business owner
“This is exactly what the church needs, clear-eyed and even inspiring thinking about work. Somewhere along the way we lost sight of the meaning, even the beauty, of work.”
– Stephen J. Nichols, Research Professor of Christianity & Culture, Lancaster Bible College
“I was thrilled when I saw [the “Freedom to Flourish” video], as it beautifully and powerfully answered the sacred/secular paradigm that has so disempowered the church and separated so many Christians from having a kingdom understanding of their work.”
– Darrow Miller, Co-Founder, Disciple Nations Alliance
“This made me realize the simple yet incredible processes that take place within markets, processes that go relatively unnoticed – I mean, I didn’t take note until the beginning of this course! … It totally expanded my range of thought as a consumer.”
– King’s College student on IFWE’s campus programs
“Hugh Whelchel and his contributors at [IFWE] offer thought-provoking analysis, commentary, and discussion on very relevant issues facing all of us in business today. Consider this the Harvard Business School blog for Christians.”
– Dr. Jim Harris, Founder, To a Higher Level, LLC
“I wanted to express how much a blessing the IFWE blog posts have been. I'm able to share a post with [colleagues], promoting both conversations of faith and practical ways to improve our work environment…Keep it up!”
– Nate, blog reader
“Thanks to IFWE for waking me up and introducing me to my need to understand economics.”
– Tanya, blog reader
“Hugh Whelchel’s work comes at a critical time when both the church and the culture in general are questioning the purpose and value of work…He lays out a compelling alternative to the disintegrated and disjointed view of work that is prevalent today. I highly recommend it.”
– J. Michael Thigpen, Executive Director of the Evangelical Theological Society, on How Then Should We Work?
“This valuable volume provides solutions to poverty that really work, in contrast to many well-intentioned but harmful solutions that are popular in much of society today.”
– Wayne Grudem, Ph.D., Research Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies at Phoenix Seminary, on For the Least of These: A Biblical Answer to Poverty
“The editors are to be praised for their unique concentration on both biblical principles and sound empirical research to determine what works and what doesn't to free the poor from poverty.”
– Michael Novak, Author of The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism, on For the Least of These: A Biblical Answer to Poverty
"The watershed (yet oft’ overlooked) issues that IFWE spotlights…the fresh angles and thoughts you put forward…and the way it is all articulated are so consistently rich and good, pressing past Christian cliché to deeper insight and wisdom. So well done."
– Jedd Medefind, President, Christian Alliance for Orphans

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