Offering you the latest news, analysis, and opinion in all things faith, work, and economics.
The Necessity of Distinguishing Relief and Development What’s Best Next
In both cases, the goal is to help the person back to self-sufficiency. But the strategies in each case are different—often profoundly so. – Matt Perman
Federal Student Loans: A Problem of Subsidiarity Acton Institute
[The president’s plan], though admirably attempting to address our student debt problem, is symptomatic of the problem itself: an overreach of federal authority in violation of subsidiarity. – Dylan Pahman
Economic Malady, Church Opportunity The Gospel Coalition
Americans are struggling in the workplace and in the economy. The pandemic nature of these economic maladies cries out for church engagement. – Michael Jahr
Why Do People in the Poorest States Give the Most to Charity? Values and Capitalism
So why do residents of the poorest states give the most money? At first glance, it doesn’t make sense. Don’t the poorest citizens need to most tightly cling to their wealth? – David Wilezol
Do Entrepreneurs Feel Closer to God Than the Rest of Us Do? Harvard Business Review
Mitchell J. Neubert and three colleagues at Baylor University investigated the connection between faith and the propensity to start a business… – Alison Beard
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