Offering you the latest news, analysis, and opinion on all things faith, work, and economics.
You Were Born an Entrepreneur Isaac Morehouse
Experts believed that people needed to be molded into uniform widgets, then plugged into an assembly line like spare parts, ready to take orders. It wasn’t a great model then, and it’s even worse for the world today. – Isaac Morehouse
Super-size My Wages! World Magazine
[S]ome economists say that if the protesters get what they want, they could be striking themselves out of a job. – Elise Grafe
4 in 5 in USA face near-poverty, no work USA Today
Four out of five U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near-poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream. – Hope Yen
How Business Glorifies God Christianity 9 to 5
This fifth way to glorify God is imitation – imitation of the attributes of God – and it is critical to understand how business in itself glorifies God. – Wayne Grudem
My “Success” Story: What I Learned from Jesus and John Wooden Values and Capitalism
[T]hose of us who are not “successful” right out of college can easily become depressed and vocationally debilitated—in D.C. and other large cities, particularly, some just give up and head home. Is this simply a reality of life? Are we destined to lead unsatisfying vocational lives? Or is this a result of a faulty view of success? – Tyler Castle
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