At Work

“I Can Engage People By Creating a Product That Utilizes All My Gifts”: IFWE Student Video Contest Winner Starts Her Own Business

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Last spring IFWE hosted the Lights, Camera, Creativity! Student Video Contest for high school and college students. We were impressed and encouraged by the quality of the students’ entries.

Our high school winner, Paige M., submitted a clever and informative whiteboard video about the concept of calling.

Since the completion of the contest, Paige has started her own business. It’s called The Story Sketcher, and it utilizes her gift for creating whiteboard videos.

I interviewed Paige to see how her business got started and how the intersection of faith, work, and economics affects the way she thinks about her business.

How did you decide to start your business? Did IFWE’s student video contest impact your decision to start The Story Sketcher?

When I first began creating whiteboard sketch videos, I intended to do something different than your typical PowerPoint presentation for a school project. Doodling on a whiteboard became one of my hobbies.

After I participated in the Lights, Camera, Creativity! contest, I realized I could turn my hobby into something more. The massive amounts of positive feedback I received on my contest entry compelled me to keep creating new content.

Then, a few months ago, God opened the doors for me to channel my passions and strengths into a full-fledged business.

What did you learn about faith, work, and economics from the video contest?

It reinforced my belief that faith, work, and economics are deeply connected. When you combine them, your faith becomes active, your work intentional, and your economics sound. Entrepreneurship becomes far more fulfilling with that perspective.

IMG_4474How do faith, work, and economics content affect your business?

It helps me maintain perspective and focus on my vision for my business. It motivates me to face the challenges of entrepreneurship – learning how to write a contract, dealing with miscommunication errors – with eagerness rather than frustration.

And it reminds me of my responsibility to follow the calling God has given me wherever he leads.

How does running your business bring you fulfillment?

I love people, and I love creating content people enjoy. So whenever I show someone a new video project, it makes it all worthwhile to see them smile and understand or laugh at something I didn’t even find amusing. Running this business has made me realize I can engage and excite people by creating a product that utilizes all my gifts. That’s truly fulfilling.

Any tips about starting a business for young entrepreneurs?

Find a mentor who will help guide you along the way, someone who is skilled, well-networked, amiable, and most importantly, passionate. One reason I started my business was because I met a brilliant entrepreneur named Ron Brumbarger, who happens to run several businesses of his own, and who continues to eagerly share his wisdom and experience with me.

Don’t overlook a cracked door. I used to think that if God wanted me to do something, he would open doors so wide I could never miss them. But I’ve come to understand that opportunities can come from anywhere. God works in strange and unplanned ways. Sometimes he will completely reverse your direction, and even if it takes a great deal of time, it will be for the better.

Be confident, but be yourself. I often struggle with balancing my enthusiastic personality and aversion toward pride with a healthy dose of self-assurance and professionalism. Don’t be afraid to sell yourself. Just do so humbly.

You can check out some more of Paige’s work here, or visit her website for even more information.

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