Public Square

What the March for Life Can Teach Us about People

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Snow and piercing cold meant that yesterday wasn’t a pleasant day to be out in D.C. But it didn’t stop the thousands who descended on the national mall for the annual March for Life on the anniversary of the 1973 Supreme Court decision to legalize abortion in Roe v. Wade.

Whether or not you agree with the demonstrators, yesterday’s events bring to mind some important concepts as we think about faith, work, and economics, as expressed by Kristin Hansen, IFWE’s Vice President of Communications.

  • Every individual is made in the image of God, according to Genesis 1:27. This means that we are distinct from the animals—we have the power to think rationally, to steward creation, and to create and innovate in imitation of the ultimate Creator.
  • As God’s image-bearer, each person has inherent dignity. And that means that the work of our hands is full of dignity and significance as well.

Whether you care about economic issues and social issues, or just want to experience a life well-lived, the dignity of the individual is an ever-present truth. Hansen notes,

It’s striking to me that this fundamental issue of the dignity of human beings transcends so many facets of society. Because we bear the image of our Creator, there’s a battle that’s been waged from the very beginning – a desperate, tooth-and-nail effort to deface that image. It’s a biblical truth that Christians must hold dear and protect, whether we consider ourselves “social” or “economic conservatives.”

Of course, we need to have the freedom to pursue these gifts. An opportunity society helps us to discover what we are best at, allows us to pursue our calling, and helps us to achieve our maximum potential. And that’s something worth standing for.

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Photo: The 2014 March for Life. Courtesy of Beechwood Photography.

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