Arts & Culture

Understanding Worldviews Can Prepare You to Better Engage the World

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“What is a worldview?” I am asked that question often when I meet new people and tell them about my organization, Praxis Circle.

You see, the tagline for our organization is that “Praxis Circle is a community building worldviews to renew a free and good society.” For those who know what the term “worldview” means, we can jump right into how our organization builds worldviews. But more often than not, we need to define the term first, which is always a conversation I relish.

Worldviews are wonderful! Understanding worldviews can quite literally change your life, and that’s no exaggeration. So when I get to introduce people to the concept of worldview, I know I’ve gotten someone started down an exciting intellectual journey.

Understanding “Worldview”

How does the word “worldview” strike you? Perhaps you saw the term “worldview” and it intrigued you. Maybe it sounds vaguely familiar, but you wouldn’t know how to describe it. If so, I’m so glad you are reading this! I wish we could have this conversation in-person, but I know that’s not possible with everyone, which is why I wrote the booklet, What Is A Worldview? A Primer to Prepare You for Better Engagement with the World. I invite you to get your free copy here.

The booklet is an introductory primer to the idea of worldviews and the whole scope of worldview study. In true Praxis Circle fashion, it is organized like a dialogue. Each chapter features two or three interviews from our community members. Some are experts and scholars who have studied the subject, such as theologian Os Guinness, IFWE’s Anne Bradley, and author Mary Eberstadt, as well as others are thoughtful individuals who are engaging with it for the first time.

Space has only allowed me to include relevant excerpts from each conversation, but you should know that these excerpts only represent a small portion of the conversations. The full-length interviews are available on our website and YouTube channel. The excerpts have also been edited slightly for readability, but we include links back to the actual conversations for more context.

After each interview excerpt, I respond to the interviewer and add my own commentary and thoughts to each area of discussion. This conversation is organized around four key questions:

  1. What is a worldview?
  2. Who has a worldview?
  3. Why study worldview?
  4. Why is worldview study controversial?

Beginning a Journey

At the end of the booklet, you may be left with more questions than answers—and that’s ok! There are no easy or pat answers when it comes to something as complex as worldview. If you are ready to go deeper and learn more, we have additional resources listed for you throughout the booklet as well as at the end. Hopefully this will get you started on your journey to understanding your own worldview, the worldview of others, and how they impact our lives.

This is why it is so important to build your worldview and understand the worldview of others—what we believe about the world directly impacts how we live within it. In order to best navigate life, we have to make sure both our mind and behavior are aligned and able to engage with the real world. Only then will we be able to answer life’s greatest questions and better interact with the people around us through a truly lived worldview.

Editor’s Note: Download your free copy of What Is A Worldview? A Primer to Prepare You for Better Engagement with the World from Praxis Circle here.

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