
Category: Arts & Culture

  • Arts & Culture
  • At Work

Back in March, I had an interesting discussion with our unit chaplain. He had given a lot of thought to…

  • Arts & Culture

Summer can be a busy season filled with barbeques and baseball games, camps and cookouts and cross-country trips. But it…

  • Arts & Culture

The church in the West currently finds itself in an increasingly turbulent culture, and many church leaders are wondering how…

  • Arts & Culture
  • At Work
Honoring the Faith & Work of our Mothers

By: Dr. Anne Bradley

4 minute read

Mother’s Day is accompanied by certain predictable rituals: breakfast in bed, homemade cards, brunch, flowers, and many other activities for…

  • Arts & Culture
Works of Art: Visible Evidence of God’s Beauty & Glory

By: Roberta Green Ahmanson

5 minute read

Beauty is one of those “contested” words. For many in the art world, it is a bad word, implying one…

  • Arts & Culture
  • Economics 101
Remembering Dr. James G. Gwartney

By: Jacqueline Isaacs

5 minute read

We at the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics were deeply saddened to learn of the passing of James G….

  • Arts & Culture
  • At Work

It’s considered the most spiritual film of all-time, the king of “divine comedies”. Watching it on a regular basis is thought to…

  • Arts & Culture
‘Joy to the World’ & Your Daily Work

By: John Pletcher

6 minute read

Author’s Note: With the Christmas season now in full swing, we hear the familiar song being sung everywhere. But have…

  • Arts & Culture
  • At Work

One of the best ways to demonstrate the virtues of a free society where people serve others in the market…

  • Arts & Culture

“What is a worldview?” I am asked that question often when I meet new people and tell them about my…

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