Public Square

Mothers Have Vocations, Too!

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We don’t often celebrate the work of stay-at-home mothers. But Matt Bieler has done just that with his new video. It’s short and it includes very little narration, but it is a powerful celebration of individuals who have chosen to pursue their vocational calling by investing in the lives of their children.

It’s easy to think of our vocation just in terms of a job or career. But the term, “vocation,” means much more than that.

But God has called all Christians to one primary vocation: to serve him. From there, he calls us to pursue secondary vocations based on the need around us and on our unique gifts and talents. Our secondary vocations can be anything—farming, investment banking, teaching…or being a stay-at-home mom.

As this video demonstrates, we can serve God and impact the lives of others, no matter what we do.

How do you use your vocational calling to glorify God? Leave your comments here.

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