Public Square

IFWE’s Weekly Recap – 12.06.13

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In case you missed it – here are the top articles published on the blog this week.

Acts 2-5 and Poverty Art Lindsley

Acts 2-5…is not a support of wealth redistribution by church or state as a means to care for the least of these. It is a testament to the extent to which early believers were willing to share of their material affects.

Acts 2-5 documents a time of great joy and of physical hardship for the early church. To deal with this hardship, believers of means voluntarily pooled as many of their personal resources as each individual believer felt convicted to share. The fact that they “…had all things in common…” is not a support of wealth redistribution by church or state as a means to care for the least of these. It is a testament to the extent to which early believers were willing to share of their material affects. – See more at:

Three Reasons You Shouldn’t be Content Anne Bradley

It would be easy to confuse passivity with contentment, but that would be incorrect…Contentment comes with knowing that you lived to your potential and harnessed your creativity to be the best that you could be.

Breaking out of the Poverty Mindset, One Child at a Time Sylvie Somerville

A “poverty mindset” destroys self-worth and creates dependent cultures. But through the partnership of the churches of Malawi, we encourage a new mentality. We are all made in the image of a holy, perfect, and good God. To be made in his image is to be capable, dignified, valuable, and endowed with gifts and skills that we are intended to use to their full potential.

How Missioneering is Revolutionizing Overseas Missions Katie Shupe

Every month, over six hundred overseas missionaries return home due to lack of funding…[Jason and David Benham] recognized that they needed to get to the root of the problem: the lack of sustainability in the current missionary financial support model.

Pope Francis & Capitalism: Are We Overreacting? Elise Amyx

Let’s tackle [the Pope’s] critique of capitalism charitably, while at the same time striving to lift up the truth that lies beneath the sticky semantics and misguided economics of Evangelli Gaudium: the joy of the Gospel.

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