At Work & Theology 101

IFWE’s Recommended Summer Reading List for 2023

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Memorial Day weekend is the unofficial start of summer for many. Whether you crack open a book in your backyard by the light of a campfire, or catch up on some articles with your toes in the sand, one thing is certain: there’s something more enjoyable about summer reading.

We’re continuing our tradition by recommending some books and articles for summer reading. Some are new, and some are worth revisiting. Whatever your plans for the next few months, consider adding one of these faith, work, and economic titles to your booklist.

The Sacred Meaning of Everyday Work

By Robert Tribken

Do you desire to integrate your faith into your work? This book pulls from the Bible, business experiences, and recent research to help you deal with relevant workplace topics: from poverty and sin to stress and burnout, from character and calling to leadership and spiritual practices. This new book will challenge you to consider how your faith can inform your work in light of your calling and is filled with actionable ideas for how to walk the talk.

Every Good Endeavor

By Tim Keller

In light of Pastor Tim Keller’s recent passing, the IFWE team thought this would be an appropriate moment to revisit his great contribution to the field of faith and work. Every Good Endeavor is a thought-provoking exploration of the intersection between faith and work, sacred and secular. Keller draws on biblical wisdom and engaging real-life stories to present a compelling vision for how work can be infused with purpose. As you read, you’ll gain practical insights and a theological understanding of how to serve others through your vocation. 

Business as Mission and the Church: Unleashing the Power of the Congregation in the Global Marketplace 

This read is a report instead of a book, but a worthwhile pageturner nonetheless. This report from Business As Mission Global ultimately calls for a renewed focus on holistic discipleship, intentional engagement with marginalized communities, and adaptive approaches to evangelism and mission. With this awareness, we as the local church can navigate and thrive in an ever-changing business world.

Women & Work: Bearing God’s Image and Joining in His Mission through our Work (pre-order)

Edited by Courtney Moore

Corporate work or homemaking? In the home or out of the home? Homeschool or public school? These are just some of the sticky topics surrounding women and work. In this book, all women are invited to seek guidance, inspiration, and practical advice on how to thrive in the work. “All work is Kingdom work. As women, let’s join together in celebrating the good gift of work.”

On the Need for Scholars and Warriors

By Kelly Shackelford and Trey Dimsdale

“The last few years have been good for religious freedom in America’s courts” yet these legal victories “will never be enough to preserve individual freedoms for long.” This article from Law & Liberty explores the role of scholars, who intellectually provide the moral and philosophical foundations of society, and warriors, who advocate for and enforce societal laws. As you read, you will feel both the tension and symbiosis between the two roles as they practically defend and valiantly uphold justice and liberty.

Your Job Is Not Your Family

By Michael Matheson Miller

Work-life balance is not a new topic, but here’s a fresh perspective. This article from the Acton Institute challenges the notion that your job is like a surrogate family. In other words, the employer-employee relationship should not resemble familial relationships. Instead, maintain distinct personal and professional lives so you can better prioritize your family over work commitments—especially during the summer months!

Editor’s note: If you’re a book enthusiast, browse some of our previous summer reading lists here and here for more recommendations.

Further readings on At Work & Theology 101

  • At Work
  • Theology 101
Remembering Jesus in Your Work

By: Dr. Rob Pacienza

8 minute read

Work can be hard, it can be boring, it can seem pointless. However, when it is seen as a calling,…

  • At Work
  • Theology 101
God’s Presence in the Life of Daniel

By: Russell Gehrlein

7 minute read

I have written previously about Joseph, Moses, Gideon, and others who best illustrate the biblical connection between God’s presence and human work that…