Offering you the latest news, analysis, and opinion on all things faith, work, and economics.
Work and Worship Theology of Work Project
This is a reminder that the world of work does not exist in a vacuum, separated from the rest of life. If we do not ground our values and priorities in God’s covenant, then our lives and work will be ethically and spiritually incoherent. If we do not please God in our work, we cannot please him in our worship. – William Messenger
Digital Home Economicus Center for Integrity in Business
All economic theories are built on presumptions about human nature. What happens when our understanding of human nature goes digital? What happens to our ideas about the integrity of economic behavior when human nature becomes reinterpreted through the lens of the new digital society? – Bruce Baker
When Real Life Gets In the Way of Radical Relevant
More times than I can count, those services ended with my knees hitting the altar, my heart burning and my prayers asking Jesus to send me the four corners of the earth and that I would gladly join the great adventure that is it to follow Jesus and if need be, die a martyr for Him. Like Isaiah, I shouted, “Here I am, Lord. Send me! Then adulthood came. – Eric Hoke
Who Is Art Carden? Values & Capitalism
I want to see poor people made richer. A lot of ways that people go about doing that are wrong. I want to move people past simply meaning well, get them past thinking of benevolence only as hand-outs … We need to get meaningfully involved in other people’s lives. – Art Carden, with Jacque Otto
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