Public Square

IFWE’s Midweek Memo – 01.07.14

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Offering you the latest news, analysis, and opinion on all things faith, work, and economics.

Five Conservative Reforms Millennials Should Be Fighting For Washington Post Wonkblog

A bit of a firestorm has been kicked up by Jesse Myerson’s piece, “Five Economic Reforms Millennials Should Be Fighting For” in Rolling Stone. But when we at wonkblog read it, we recognized something odd: Frame the policies a bit differently and it sounds almost like a conservative wish list. – Dylan Matthews

Economic Progress: Don’t Take It for Granted Values and Capitalism

Only in a select few countries around the world do people have no doubt that the future will be better than the past. – Nicholas Freiling

10 Famous Creative Minds That Didn’t Quit Their Day Jobs Fast Company

While you may be itching to ditch your 9 to 5, take a lesson from these legendary creatives and pursue your passions while still collecting a pay check. – Lydia Dishman

Restaurant Owner with Down Syndrome Shares His Gift Acton Institute

Tim is contributing to his community, and his contribution has an impact well beyond the burgers and bacon. – Joseph Sunde

Menlo Innovations: Putting Joy into Work Forbes

People want to come to work at Menlo. You can see it in the way employees interact with one another; there is an esprit d’corps that comes from knowing that your work – and ultimately, you – matter. – John Baldoni

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Further readings on Public Square

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The True Meaning of Freedom & How to Defend It

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Reflections on Sacrifice for Memorial Day

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