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Five Books from 2024 Every Pastor Should Read

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2024 was a great year for books, particularly those that help Christians think deeply about ministry in this cultural moment. In 2023, I reflected on some outstanding books for pastors and attempted to narrow down the best of the year for those engaged in ministry.

In 2024, however, it was difficult to choose just five selections — there were many that could help inspire faithful ministry. Many of these books have won awards of recognition from the likes of The Gospel Coalition and Christianity Today, among others. In making this list, I narrowed down the many choices by considering the unique challenges pastors are facing in this cultural moment and gathered a few titles that I believe will be especially helpful.

1. The Anxious Generation

By Jonathan Haidt (Penguin Press)

One of the most compelling books came from the field of sociology. In The Anxious Generation, Jonathan Haidt masterfully addresses the struggles facing our communities following the advent of new digital forms of technology. This book is not for the faint of heart, but it is a must-read. Haidt explores how digital technologies are reshaping our cultural life in dramatic ways. Despite the sobering analysis, he offers hope, suggesting ways to channel cultural change in directions that benefit families and communities.

Find the book here.

2. The Way of Christ in Culture: A Vision for All of Life

By Benjamin T. Quinn and Dennis T. Greeson (B&H Academic)

Reading Haidt’s work also helps reinforce the pressing need for spiritual formation. More than ever, pastors and Christians sense a growing demand to recover a rich spiritual life, and a growing number of popular books reflect this trend. Along these lines, I had the privilege of reading and endorsing The Way of Christ in Culture by Benjamin Quinn and Dennis Greeson. These authors cast a thoughtful vision for how one’s spiritual life shapes engagement with culture. They maintain a healthy tension, reminding us that the gospel calls us to live faithfully in a complex world.

Find the book here.

3. The Pastor as Leader: Principles and Practices for Connecting Preaching and Leadership

By John Currie (Crossway)

A common refrain I hear is that some people are good preachers while others are good leaders, but few excel at both. While there may be some truth to this, John Currie argues that preaching and leadership should not be so disconnected. This book is particularly helpful in an age that often values the style of preaching over the substance of leadership.

The recent moral failings of pastors expose this disconnect and emphasize the need for ministers who are both faithful expositors of scripture and faithful leaders of their congregations. In The Pastor as Leader, Currie shows how these two essential tasks can and should come together. He offers practical wisdom for pastors who often feel torn between these roles, helping them steward their calling more effectively.

Find the book here.

4. Ancient Wisdom for the Care of Souls: Learning the Art of Pastoral Ministry from the Church Fathers

By Coleman M. Ford and Shawn J. Wilhite (Crossway)

In the fast-paced world of pastoral ministry, Coleman Ford and Shawn Wilhite remind us of the timeless wisdom found in the early church fathers. Ancient Wisdom for the Care of Souls encourages pastors to adopt a simpler, more contemplative model of ministry. Drawing on historical insights, the authors provide guidance on caring for communities in ways that have stood the test of time. This book is a refreshing call to slow down, reflect, and engage in a pastoral approach rooted in the great tradition.

Find the book here.

5a. Mere Christian Hermeneutics: Transfiguring What It Means to Read the Bible Theologically

By Kevin J. Vanhoozer (Zondervan Academic) 

Please indulge me in this final recommendation, which comes in two parts — both books addressing the importance of reading scripture theologically. In Mere Christian Hermeneutics, Kevin Vanhoozer tackles the modern divide between theology and biblical studies. This disconnect has led many to interpret the Bible in ways that stray from the historic Christian faith. Vanhoozer helps us bridge this gap, guiding readers back to a unified approach that integrates theology and biblical interpretation.

Find the book here.

5b. The Transfiguration of Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Reading

By Patrick Schreiner (Baker Academic)

Patrick Schreiner’s The Transfiguration of Christ exemplifies this kind of theological reading. Schreiner’s work brings the theological interpretation of scripture into dialogue with the history of biblical interpretation, offering a rich and layered reading of this key biblical event. Those who engage with this book will have their mind transfixed on Christ.

Find the book here.

Additional Recommendations

It was difficult to narrow it down to five (or six), so here are a few more titles that pastors may find helpful. These recommendations mirror similar themes from the main list.

Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout (Cal Newport, Portfolio)

In a post last year, I showed how Cal Newport’s book might be useful for pastors. His approach to productivity emphasizes sustainable, deep work, providing an antidote to the burnout culture often faced by pastors.

Priests of History: Stewarding the Past in an Ahistoric Age (Sarah Irving-Stonebraker, Zondervan Academic)

In this wonderful book, Sarah Irving-Stonebraker critiques how the present generation views history. She argues that history is tethered to spiritual formation where Christians function like priests. They present the cares of the world to God, who is transcendent, and reflect God’s will in the world as they communicate their faith in word and deed.

A Short Guide to Spiritual Formation: Finding Life in Truth, Goodness, Beauty, and Community (Alex Sosler, Baker Academic)

This new book on spiritual formation by Alex Sosler offers a holistic approach, showing how true spirituality is theologically grounded and sustained by cultivating a desire for holiness. This vision of formation must also be focused on the Christian community, aiming to help the community of faith grow in godliness.

Psalms in an Age of Distraction: Experiencing the Restorative Power of Biblical Poetry (Ethan C. Jones, Baker Academic)

I recommended a New Testament book above, so here is an Old Testament one. This book highlights how the Psalms can offer spiritual restoration in a world filled with so many distractions.

2024 was another rich year for books aimed at serving pastors. There is much to read, learn, and apply to our ministries!

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