
Category: Theology 101

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  • Theology 101
Does the Book of Acts Teach Socialism?

By: Dr. Art Lindsley

6 minute read

“A truly strange thing has happened to American Christianity,” Gregory Paul writes for The Washington Post’s “On Faith” blog. He claims…

  • Theology 101

“Why should I worry about work and impacting the culture around me when it’s all going to burn up anyway?”…

  • At Work
  • Theology 101
Do Moms Matter in God’s Economy?

By: Anna Arnold

7 minute read

When I was a mostly-stay-at-home mom, I really questioned my value to the machinery of our economy. What was I…

  • At Work
  • Theology 101
Dear Graduate, Discover Your Calling

By: Dr. Art Lindsley

5 minute read

If there was one thing, I could tell a recent graduate it would be, “you are made in the image…

  • At Work
  • Theology 101

We recently received an email from one of our readers asking if we had written anything specific about bivocational ministry….

  • At Work
  • Theology 101
Eight Steps Along the Path to Wisdom

By: Dr. Art Lindsley

6 minute read

If I were to take you in a helicopter to Afghanistan and parachute you into the middle of the country…

  • Economics 101
  • Theology 101

It is not uncommon for many people to think there is an unbridgeable chasm between Christianity and economics. There are…

  • Theology 101

The number one fear of the millennial generation is living a meaningless life. In a recent informal survey of undergraduate…

  • At Work
  • Theology 101
Breakfast on the Beach with Jesus

By: Kristin Brown

7 minute read

Imagine a breakfast of fresh, grilled fish and warm bread on the beach after pulling an all-nighter at work. You’re…

  • At Work
  • Theology 101

In Dante’s poem Inferno, a sign was posted on the gates of Hell that read: Abandon all hope, ye who enter here!…

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