Theology 101

Hugh Whelchel’s Top Ten Articles for 2021

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Last year, we broke with our annual “Top Ten” tradition and created a separate list to celebrate the work and writing of IFWE’s founder and senior fellow, Hugh Whelchel. We’ve all been blessed by his ability to continue writing, and we’ve decided to dedicate a list to him again this year. Without further ado, here are Hugh Whelchel’s top ten blogs from 2021.

1. Will We Work in the New Earth?

Have ever wondered what you will do in your life after death? Hugh answers that question and even explains that there is something more to look forward to. Read more.

2. Things Were Going Well Until I Died

Hugh was diagnosed with ALS, Lou Gehrig’s disease, in 2020. Earlier this year he shared his incredible story and reminds us that we’re all here for a purpose. Read more.

3. Five Things that I Wish Someone Had Told Me After Graduation

Some of us don’t receive good advice early in our careers or from our mentors. After a lifetime of work, here are five biblical truths that Hugh wished someone had told him when he graduated. Read more.

4. Are Shalom and “Eirene” the Same?

Eirene is usually translated as peace in the New Testament. But when the New Testament writers wrote eirene, they were mostly thinking shalom. Read more.

5. The Church’s Role in Fixing Capitalism

Have you heard that “capitalism is broken” or “our problems are caused by capitalism?” How should Christians think about our role in solving these issues? Read more.

6. Engaging Unbelieving Coworkers with Scientific Proof of God

Young people who reject the existence of God argue that they have science on their side. Does science actually support that belief? No. Read more.

7. Understanding “Shalom” and the Grand Metanarrative of Scripture

Most of our English Bibles translate the word shalom as “peace,” but shalom also means a right relationship with God, with others, and with God’s good creation. Read more.

8. What is “Shalom” According to the Bible?

Deep in the heart of every person, there is a sense of the way things are supposed to be. We might define that as human flourishing. Read more

9. Introducing IFWE’s New President

Hugh Welches and the board of IFWE are proud to announce that T. March Bell will now serve as President of IFWE. Read more.

10. Let’s Examine Our Motivations for Work

Why do you work—to make money or reach retirement? Hugh explains why motivations matter in light of our work. Read more.

Editor’s Note: If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to Hugh’s continued work through IFWE, you can do that here, just note that the gift is for “Hugh Whelchel Support.”

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