At Work & Theology 101

Why Don’t We Take Our Spiritual Gifts to Work?

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It’s my fault.

The seasoned attorney stared me in the eye, stretched his fingers and tapped his very large hand in a declarative pose over the oak table. He boldly stated, “Right here—every day—this is my ministry!”

I was twenty-seven years old, serving in my first pastorate, and seeking legal counsel on property that our church was purchasing. Highly respected across the community, this accomplished lawyer was aiming to build common ground with me, a “man of the cloth.” 

Ironically and foolishly, I bristled inside. After all, pastors want people to be all-in for the “real kingdom work” at the church building and the church’s activities. I’ll admit it: pastors like me are often largely to blame. We pastor-types think (and too often do and say) things that foolishly communicate, “People should downplay their day jobs and up-play their efforts at church in all the other free hours.”

That’s the way I used to think. I now realize how skewed my own thinking was and how desperately we’ve missed practicing the priesthood of all believers. Subtly or not-so-subtly, church leaders communicate that our special, Christ-given abilities should only be relegated to Sunday services, ministries within churchy walls, and officially church-sanctioned missions in the community or ‘round the globe.

Grant it, these days we heartily spout off: “We are the church. We should be the church every day.” Such statements are a good start. Well, sort of. Unfortunately, this still remains largely lip service. Could we dare to change this? If it’s true that we are the church every day, let’s take seriously these three postures for taking our spiritual gifts to work:

Take a Fresh Look at Your Own Gifts

Ask trusted friends, “Where do you sense my daily strengths reveal God’s work in and through me?” or “Where would you say that I’m really good at what I do?” You can also use a simple diagnostic tool. A variety are available through a simple online search. Then talk about your results with friends to gain their feedback.

Take Stock of Your Everyday Roles & Responsibilities

Ask yourself, “How might I employ my God-given gifts all day long, in all I do in my role?”

  • If you have administrative gifts, ask yourself, “How might I recognize and rely on the Holy Spirit for even stronger functionality?” 
  • If you have special gifts of helping/serving, “How might my gifts further fuel my capacity to make a real serving difference this week with clients out in my field?” or “How can I best bless car owners who bring their vehicles to my garage?” 
  • If you possess leadership gifts, “What will it look like for me to catalyze people around God’s deeper and wider purposes for flourishing?”

Tap Into the Intentional, Relational Side of Employing Your Gifts

The Apostle Paul clarifies that our gifts are very deliberately given “for the common good of others” (1 Cor. 12:7). So let’s dare to ask ourselves: 

  • How might my gifts/abilities more seriously reach and bless others for Christ?
  • How can I speak encouragement? 
  • How can I both be and share the good news with coworkers
  • How can I lead stronger so as to shape my company’s corporate culture in ways that more tremendously reflect Christ?

Why Don’t We Take our Spiritual Gifts to Work?

Why don’t more Christians take their spiritual gifts to work? I will take the blame. Yes, looking back at that talk-tough hour around the attorney’s table twenty-five years ago, I received way more than real estate legal counsel. I now realize that I was treated to a dynamic clinic on holistic, kingdom work from a far more robust perspective. 

I wish I could go back and exclaim, “Huge thanks, Sir, for being on mission at work. What a way to use your gifts for God’s glory!”

We are the church every day, so let’s take our spiritual gifts to work!

Further readings on At Work & Theology 101

  • At Work
  • News
  • Public Square
  • Theology 101
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