At Work & Theology 101

Why Christians Should Exhibit the Fruit of the Spirit at Work

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It has been a privilege to write this series on the application of the fruit of the Spirit in the workplace. As followers of Christ, we have the privilege of carrying the presence of God with us everywhere we go, and our jobs provide great opportunities for Gospel witness. However, to have an effective witness, our conduct must exhibit the characteristics of the fruit of the Spirit.

In Galatians 5:22-23, the Apostle Paul writes, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control…” (ESV). One of the beautiful realities of submitting to the will of the Spirit is that each of the nine characteristics will be produced in our lives. While God wants us to love our coworkers well, He also wants us to be filled with joy and peace. He is not interested in us only demonstrating kindness. He also wants to see gentleness, self-control, and each of the other characteristics manifesting in our lives. We cannot do this on our own, but it is the activity of the Holy Spirit that breeds the fruit of the Spirit in our lives.

As we move forward in our callings, let’s not forget to invite the Holy Spirit’s presence into our work. He is already there, but something special happens when we pray, “Holy Spirit, work through me so others may come to know Christ.” Our work is a vehicle for providing for our families, but it is also an opportunity to demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit to colleagues who may be searching for love, joy, and peace.

Though this world is filled with sorrow, God has called each of us to advance his Kingdom. As we put our hands to the plow, let us not forget that it is the Spirit’s strength, and not our own, that gives us the ability to live fruitful lives that bless those around us.

Creating a Fruitful Workplace

Part 1 explains how we can invite the Holy Spirit into our work environment. Read the first article here.

When we follow the Spirit in our vocation, he will increase our capacity to experience and produce all nine fruits of the Spirit. Imagine a workplace—and society—filled with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

What Biblical Love Looks Like at Work

Part 2 explains the relationship between love and work. Read the second article here.

In the fruit of the Spirit, everything begins with love. What does this have to do with work? Without love, our gifts and talents become about us, and this is not proper stewardship. The Lord gives us gifts and talents to glorify him and to serve those he has put in our lives. 

Biblical Joy in the Workplace

Part 3 explains how biblical joy is a result of the Spirit’s work in our lives, not our circumstances. Read the third article here.

Many of us encounter “trials of various kinds” in our jobs. Those adversities can be an opportunity to demonstrate the joy of Christ to colleagues who are looking for more than a paycheck. Ultimately, we can have joy in all circumstances because Christ is sufficient.

Peace in the Workplace

Part 4 explains that the Prince of Peace delivers peace, regardless of what happens at work. Read the fourth article here.

No matter how high we climb in our organizations, we will not find enduring peace in our jobs. Yet biblical peace transcends our jobs. When we navigate work’s challenges with the peace of God, unbelievers will notice because this is not normal in our fragmented culture. 

Patience in the Workplace

Part 5 explains how God is more concerned about the “slow cooking” process than the destination. Read the fifth article here.

Waiting patiently on the Lord for that promotion or pay raise is not easy. If it was easy, patience would not be required. The more we recognize our need for God, the more patient we will be as we witness His faithful provision for every need. ​​

Three Ways to Be Kind to Our Coworkers this Thanksgiving

Part 6 explains how the holidays are an excellent time to demonstrate the kindness of God to our family, friends, and coworkers. Read the sixth article here.

One of God’s greatest blessings is the kindness he has demonstrated to us through Jesus Christ. As Christians, we can be kind to others because God was first kind to us, and we have the privilege to demonstrate this kindness in our workplaces to our coworkers.

Goodness in the Workplace

Part 7 explains that as we submit to the will of the Spirit, the goodness of God will be the result. Read the seventh article here.

Because we are God’s workmanship, created in his image, the goodness of God should be a natural product we produce at work. Ultimately, work is about sharing God’s good works with our colleagues and customers and demonstrating the goodness of God to a world in desperate need. 

Faithfulness in the Workplace

Part 8 explains how Christ’s ability to be our prophet, priest, and king, can be summed up in one word: faithfulness. Read the eighth article here.

Faithfulness is one of the greatest characteristics of a Christ-follower—and excellent leaders and coworkers. A faithful worker is willing to complete the job regardless of their personal preferences, and they have the skills and resources to make sure the job is done well.

Gentleness in the Workplace

Part 9 explains why gentleness may not be the most popular leadership characteristic to jump off the page. Read the ninth article here.

Gentle leaders are approachable leaders. We can maintain an approachable presence at work by investing in the lives of our coworkers, giving them our time, and promoting life-giving relationships in the office. 

Self-Control in the Workplace

Part 10 explains how we can navigate a tech-driven society and workplace with self-control. Read the tenth article here.

Self-control allows us to remain on task, but a lack of control causes our mission to drift. As Christian leaders in the workplace, we are called to demonstrate self-control that transcends and transforms the environments we work in. At work, consider what you think about, what you say, and how you act.

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Further readings on At Work & Theology 101

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