Theology 101

Unleashing Business Leaders in the Church

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One of the most beautiful characteristics of the church is its diversity, and this diversity includes unique skill sets within local congregations.

Special Gifts Within the Body of Christ

Paul reminds his audiences in Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12 that each person in the body of Christ has gifts to contribute, and every Christian is valuable to the local church. There are specific skill sets Paul is referencing in these passages, but more broadly speaking, each person in the church has something special to offer that the rest of the body can benefit from.

There are a variety of lived experiences, vocational callings, age ranges, and interests represented in each local church, and effective church leaders will find creative ways to utilize those skill sets for the glory of God and the advancement of God’s Kingdom on this earth.

Untapped Human Resources

Before we get to these creative solutions, let’s first take a look at a growing problem. It’s fair to say that there are many underutilized people in the body of Christ. Serving opportunities in many churches are limited to a few areas of ministry such as the hospitality team, greeting and ushering, and stacking tables and chairs. Each of these ministries are necessary and wonderful. The concern here is not with these ministries that are already occurring; the danger is untapped human resources not being utilized effectively for Kingdom work.

Let’s focus on people in the church who are business leaders in their communities. These men and women gifted with leadership, management, and entrepreneurial skills are often overlooked in traditional church settings. If these leaders do not find a place to serve in the local church where they can use their skills, they may end up looking elsewhere for opportunities.

Business Leaders in the Church

How can church pastors unleash business leaders in their churches for the equipping and advancement of the body? First, they can pair these leaders with teenagers and young adults in the church for the purpose of vocational mentorship. Every part of a person’s life, including their vocation, is worship unto God, and what better way to teach this than by matching present business leaders in the church with men and women of the next generation who are looking for opportunities to start their careers?

Many of these individuals have not had the opportunity to be raised in homes with mothers and fathers. While single parents are heroes in today’s world, studies have shown that there are limitations that come for children who don’t have both mothers and fathers in the home. For young men, having a Christian male mentor in their church can be a life-changing opportunity to learn the necessary skill sets for advancing in particular careers, for leading families, and for being men of God who faithfully lead in the local church.

Likewise, pairing a female business leader in the church with a younger female can open incredible doors for the next generation of female leaders in the church, the workplace, and the home. Putting out a simple survey where teenagers and young adults in the church are asked about their career interests can be the starting point for a mentorship program—one that connects the generations and empowers people to lead for the glory of God in the church and the workplace.

Second, pastors should welcome input from business and legal leaders in their churches. Even if these professionals are not elders or sitting on a church board, they can be invited to provide ideas and recommendations which could serve the church well in the financial and legal arenas. Especially in today’s cultural climate, pastors should seek advice from the wealth of human resources in the body of Christ.

In God’s kingdom, business leaders are not more important than anyone else, regardless of their net worth. However, imagine the potential of inviting Christ followers who have financial and management skills to provide their input on best practices in financial stewardship.

Even if these professionals do not have formal leadership roles in the church, they can know they are making a genuine contribution to the body of Christ by providing their expertise. When a person’s passion relates to the advancement of God’s Kingdom, that is good stewardship of human resources in the church.

Lastly, business leaders who have a track record of godly, financial stewardship should be utilized for training church members and people in the community in stewardship principles. Pastors have a lot of responsibilities, and often their biggest fault is trying to do too much. The church best functions when each person is being utilized well.

Using business leaders in the church to provide classes, seminars, and one-on-one training for church and community members can increase opportunities for gospel engagement and better financial stewardship. Many people, inside and outside of the church, have never had seasoned leaders with wise financial acumen invest time in them. The church has an abundance of these leaders ready to be utilized if they are asked.


Effective church leaders do their best to help everyone they are leading experience fulfillment by utilizing their skills for the glory of God. There are amazing human beings available who are waiting for opportunities to put their expertise to work for the Kingdom.

Pastors should invest time and energy in learning their congregants’ skills and passions as well as brainstorm ways to utilize individuals for the love of God and neighbor. The church is called to be in the world, and there are more than enough opportunities for faithful men and women in the business community to be activated for gospel service.

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