At Work

Send Us Your Work-Related Prayer Requests

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Work is not without its thorns and thistles. As we celebrate Labor Day, the IFWE staff would like to pray specifically for you and your work.

All work is worship, so let’s offer up our labors to the Lord.

Prayer offers the peace of an eternal perspective that comes from acknowledging that God is real and present.

Please send your work-related requests to Your request will be kept confidential within our staff team.

If you’re looking for practical ways to pray at work, check out these twenty-one ideas for incorporating prayer into your workday.

Tips include:

  • Praying on your way into work.
  • Praying while going over your office work and contact list.
  • Praying while you’re in a meeting.
  • Praying when you hear of hirings, firings, or layoffs.
  • Praying when you have to work late or travel.

We hope you have a blessed Labor Day with family and friends. Send us those prayer requests!

Please send your work related prayer requests to Your request will be kept confidential within our staff team. 

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