Stop Helping Us! A Call to Compassionately Move Beyond Charity

Peter Greer

The modern evangelical church desires to help those trapped in poverty. Yet, many of the common strategies employed by the church are ineffective and even detrimental to the poor.

In this e-book Peter Greer, president & CEO of Hope International, offers avenues for providing valuable, long-term solutions for people in poverty. 

Greer addresses key questions such as:

  • How should one define poverty?
  • What is the difference between effective aid versus easy aid?
  • Why is a rich theology of work inherently intertwined with effective poverty alleviation?

Greer’s e-book, seasoned with compelling anecdotes and examples, provides an exceptionally solid framework for thinking about poverty in both an economically and biblically sound way.

Buy the e-book now in the IFWE store!

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