Podcast: Are Christians in Business Second-Class Citizens of Heaven?

Are Christians who work in sectors outside the Church lesser citizens of God’s Kingdom? Hugh Whelchel felt so at one point in his life.

In IFWE’s latest podcast on serving God through work and business, Whelchel shares:

Go back about twenty years. I was down in Orlando running a computer company…Why was what I did from Monday to Friday really not important to God? I saw myself as a second-class citizen of the Kingdom of heaven. The more I thought about it, the more I thought, “This isn’t right.”

Why isn’t it right? Whelchel explores the reasons why as he discusses:

  • The pivotal moment in his life that changed his thinking on faith and work.
  • The biblical doctrine of work and why it teaches that all work is good and can glorify God.
  • How and why we’ve separated our faith on Sunday from our work on Monday.
  • How Christians have turned the Gospel into a “Gospel of sin management,” and what that means for our work.

Whelchel also explores the pivotal role business plays in creating community and bringing about flourishing. He comments,

It seems like a miracle, and in some ways it is because of the way God designed the world. As we come together in community and pool our talents and our resources, we can bring about flourishing in a way you couldn’t by yourself.

The podcast closes with a brief discussion on the true purpose of work in the Christian life and the opportunity it provides to point towards Christ’s redemptive and restorative power. Whelchel explains,

We as his [Jesus’s] disciples need to live out our lives in such a way that we show people – by bringing about flourishing, by doing our jobs well – a glimpse of the way things could be. I think that’s the key piece we have lost in our understanding of our jobs.

Start getting that fuller understanding of your own work with today’s podcast.

Learn more about how your work matters to God – get your copy of Hugh Whelchel’s How Then Should We Work? Rediscovering the Biblical Doctrine of Work.