Podcast: Asking God for Guidance in Your Work

Bob Varney has had a rich, entrepreneurial career in both the business and nonprofit worlds. He’s run tech companies, worked in commercial real estate development, and now consults with Campus Crusade. What’s the most important lesson he’s learned throughout his experiences? The importance of asking God for guidance in his work.

In IFWE’s latest podcast, Varney shares how God got his attention during one of his real estate ventures:

I actually felt God ask me a question. He said, “Bob, did you ask me before you started this project?” That was sort of a wake-up call for me.

Varney explains that Christians sometimes fail to involve God in their work because they think he doesn’t care about it. Nothing could be further from the truth. Varney mentors a lot of young men entering the business field, and he says the first piece of advice he offers them is:

Go back and read Genesis 1-2. What was the original design? What did God care about?

Throughout the podcast, Varney shares stories of how God illustrated his care for Varney’s work. Looking back on his career, Varney concludes:

There are people who want to leave the business world so they can go serve God. But that’s not the right picture. We can serve God everywhere we are.

Listen to the full podcast to learn what it looks like to serve God everywhere, and how you can start asking the Lord for guidance in your work. You’ll also hear about:

  • The challenges facing anyone transitioning from the business world to the nonprofit world.
  • What it means for your company or office to engage with the neighborhood it resides in.
  • Tips for thinking about retirement from a Christian perspective.

Listen to the complete podcast below.


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