An Open Podcast to Millennial Women: Why You Can’t Have it All

Can millennial women have it all?

Not even close, Anne Bradley argues in this latest episode of IFWE’s podcast.

The reason why is rooted in both unrealistic cultural expectations and how God created us as humans.

Bradley’s argument has implications for all Christians, too.

She begins by taking a look at the cultural expectations placed on women:

The most important takeaway is that in the society that we live in, especially for women, there is a lot of pressure to live up to these expectations that are completely unrealistic, but also completely unbiblical.

What are these expectations, and what makes them unbiblical? Bradley explains further as she discusses:

  • The misconceptions about being able to “do-it-all.”
  • The trade-offs women face in balancing work, career, and family.
  • How to deal not only with cultural expectations, but also the expectations we place on ourselves.

Bradley said she hopes this message is an inspiration, not a discouragement. Ultimately, she hopes millennial women realize the key is based in their uniqueness:

God has created you to do something special and powerful and no one else in all of human history has been created just like you. Live into that and take all the other stuff off the table.

Part of balancing career, calling, and family involves asking the right question about how to get things done. Bradley argues we’re asking the wrong one:

I think where women have a difficult time in the modern world is trying to figure out how to do it all. I think that’s actually the wrong question. It’s not “how can I do it all?” It’s “how can I do what God has called me to do?”

“How can I do what God has called me to do?” is a question every Christian must answer as they carry out their calling in the midst of family, work, community, and church. Let this podcast be a step in helping you think biblically about career and calling.

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