
Search Results for: religious

  • Public Square

Religious and civil authority were once unified—pagan gods and political rulers were one, church and state were indistinguishable, and the…

  • Public Square

Knowing history always provides a wider perspective. In particular, I’ve noticed that the state of religious freedom in the United…

  • Public Square

Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2015 decision requiring government recognition of same-sex marriage, religious believers in wedding-related industries like bakers,…

  • Public Square
The Pursuit of Religious Liberty In Colonial America

By: Dr. Daniel Dreisbach

5 minute read

Since the first permanent settlements were established in British North America, religion has been integral to the identity and mission…

  • Theology 101

For the Christian, every question of human ethics begins in one way or another with the character of God before…

  • Public Square

We live in a time when religious liberty is more threatened than at any time in living memory. While courts and commentators turn frequently…

  • Public Square

Our first president, George Washington, defined a vital, visible public role for religion in the civil polity and simultaneously affirmed…

  • Public Square

News developments over the past weeks have put religious freedom back on the front page. It’s been a great reminder…

  • Public Square

Editor’s note: As we observe the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church on Sunday, Nov. 3rd, please pray…

  • Public Square

Ed. note: The following is an excerpt from the upcoming IFWE book Set Free: Restoring Religious Freedom for All (Abilene…

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