Offering you the latest news, analysis, and opinion on all things faith,work, and economics.
How to Discover Your Spiritual Gifts Relevant Magazine
Spiritual gifts are all intended to help us serve others, and in so doing, we are ultimately becoming more like the one who gives the best gifts of all. – Andy Bilhorn
Faith and Human Resources: Working Together? Faith and Work Blog
…engaging an employee’s sense of meaning and purpose at work now might mean cultivating a faith-friendly work environment as the millennial generation and their elders increasingly seek to bring their whole selves to work. – David Miller
The High Calling of Everyday Ordinary Living The High Calling
…the only way that Millenials have been taught that their faith life is meaningful is when it is “done in a unique and special way, a ‘missional’ way.” – Bob Robinson
Most Americans Say Religion Is Losing Influence in U.S. Gallup
Over three-quarters of Americans (77%) say religion is losing its influence on American life… – Frank Newport
Private Charity Isn’t Enough Isaac Morehouse
Jumping from the premise that private charity is not enough to the conclusion that government must do something places a blind, sometimes idolatrous faith in government that counters logic and experience. – Isaac Morehouse
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