Public Square

How To Pray After Election Day

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If you poured hard work and a substantial amount of emotional energy into a campaign, you are undoubtedly very tired. Did you stay up late watching election results? You likely feel worn. Maybe you are anxious about the outcome. The results might be very different than what you had hoped. (And perhaps we still don’t yet know the final results for all candidates in every race.)

Some people wrestle right now with feeling depleted, disappointed, disillusioned, disturbed—even downright angry. If any of these conditions are true for you, there’s a good chance you’re unsettled and wondering, “How should I even pray today?”

I’ll propose the following four avenues. Then I’ll offer a heartfelt prayer.

Give Thanks & Praise for the Privilege of Voting

In other lands around the globe, scores of people wish they lived in a free and democratic society with the opportunity to participate in an election. Let’s offer up thanks for our freedoms, including our immensely good civic privilege and responsibility to vote.

Intentionally Pray for Your “Enemies”

In our current political landscape, being mean and feisty are en vogue and too often sway the day. Resist the urge to be rude. Pray for kind and peaceful responses amidst rumbles of frustration and tension.

We are quick to see the other parties and their loyalists as “the enemy.” Truth be told, we probably agree with “the others” on a number of good views and solid initiatives. Maybe we agree on much more than we first thought—while still holding deeply ingrained, opposing views.

If you conclude right now, “That person from another party—because of her or his perspective—is certainly an enemy,” you have a vital choice to make. You can choose to villainize them or choose a higher, more healing outlook toward them.

According to Jesus, we should love and pray for them (Matt. 5:43-48 ESV). Let’s pray for “others,” yes “those across the aisle,” and let’s pray that level-headed, kind, and amicable responses will prevail. How about praying that we might find common ground and learn to work together?

Pray for Newly Elected Leaders, for Heart & Skill to Engage the Work Ahead

Winning an election is hard work, but it’s really just the start. R. Paul Stevens and Alvin Ung remind us: “Without prayer our work life is impoverished . . . Taken together, prayer and work are synergistic.” Follow the Apostle Paul’s injunction to pray for all those in authority (1 Tim. 2:1-2). Let’s pray for leaders to receive strength, wisdom, growing character, and effectiveness to lead well in the days to come.

Pray With Deep Recollection, Trust & Exaltation of King Jesus

In the messy mix of elections, we are wise to play the “long game” and see the big picture. No matter who wins or loses an election, we can recall that King Jesus still reigns. He is sovereign, and he holds the final say. In fact, whatever the outcome, King Jesus is still fully in control. No results catch him by surprise—even the ones we find shocking and deeply disappointing.

In Jesus and the Powers, Wright and Bird remind us of God’s providence: “God is ultimately sovereign over history. God is the God who ‘deposes kings and sets up kings,’ . . . ‘and he rules over the nations’ (Dan. 2:21 NRSV; Ps. 22:28 NRSV) . . . History itself is the canvas upon which God, in Jesus, answers and addresses the most pressing facets of human existence.”

We can trust him. Really. Our own political outlook and prayers can be greatly shaped by the bigger reality of King Jesus’ sovereign sway. It’s true; he raises up and brings down rulers. With growing trust in his powerful providence, we can rest with confidence, free from the anxious thoughts and tumultuous outlooks that would rob our peace.

A Prayer for After Election Day

If you are eager for a fresh way to pray today, I invite you to join me in praying like this:

Gracious, sovereign LORD, we praise you because you rule and reign as King over all. You have blessed us with freedoms and the immense privilege of participating in an election. Thank you, gracious Father, for the outcomes and those who have been elected.

We confess to you any lingering anxiety, out-of-control worry, or relational animosity we feel amidst results of the election. We praise you for being fully in control, utterly worthy of our confidence, and so we affirm our ever-growing trust in your generous providence.

Please grant our newly elected leaders a grand measure of your wisdom as well as the will to lead with integrity, goodness, and godly character. We ask you to give them safety, hope, joy, and resilient energy for the tasks ahead. And please bestow upon them and their teams the creative will to craft policies and plans that lead to greater common good and human flourishing.

We pray that our nation might humbly seek your heart, collectively walk your righteous paths, do justly, and experience greater civility. Please give us resolve to follow your ways—with an ever-expanding will to build for your kingdom.

We pray in these ways so that more people may encounter your saving grace, know your peace, and experience the truly good life now—and life in you forevermore.

Thank you, Lord Jesus. Amen.

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