At Work

How Do I Find My Calling? New Bible App Reading Plan Available on YouVersion

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“My greatest fear is that my life will not make a difference.” Have you ever felt this way?

Rest assured:

  • You have been created by God in his image.
  • You have great worth.
  • You have been given gifts, gifts meant to contribute something to your family, your community, and the world.

In spite of these truths, many of us still fear living lives of insignificance.

So goes the start of IFWE’s new five-day reading plan by Dr. Art Lindsley, “How Do I Find My Calling,” which was recently launched on the YouVersion Bible App.

The reading plan helps individuals understand what the Bible teaches about calling and provides them with some practical steps to discover their unique God-given design.

While this reading plan is just the tip of the iceberg on the subject of calling, we think it’s a great start for those who are just exploring the topic.

If you’ve been one of our long-time readers, would you take a moment and forward this announcement to someone who might be interested in the new reading plan?

Understanding the biblical view of calling is critical for all of us, no matter where we are in our career or Christian walk. As we’ve interacted with our readers and spoken with people across the country in various forums, we have met three general types of people for whom the topic of calling is particularly critical.

  • Among millennials, fear of missing their calling or making the wrong decision heavily burdens their hearts and minds, paralyzing them from moving forward. Thinking about calling through a biblical lens helps to dissipate fear and instill freedom to make wise decisions about the immediate future.
  • For mid-career individuals, a biblical view of calling helps keep their hands to the plow when the going gets tough or is disappointing. Feeling disillusioned by the muck of the working world, many think that by leaving a secular career for a “Christian” one they will find more meaning in their work. Few are actually called to make that career change. Those who are called to remain in the “secular” arena are empowered to stay the course as they understand their calling as a means of God’s restoration of a broken world.
  • Many at the end of their career are thinking about legacy, about their grandchildren and their vocational choices, and about the meaning of their past work and career. They wonder, did I make an impact? Did I fulfill my calling? Reading about what the Bible teaches about calling will help many in their more senior years make wise decisions about how to steward their remaining time and bring a great sense of fulfillment as they reflect on the true, biblical meaning of their work.

This is IFWE’s second reading plan on the YouVersion Bible App. Our first plan, “The Biblical Meaning of Success” was released in June, and already more than 50,000 people around the world have completed it! We praise God for technology and partnerships with like-minded groups like LifeChurchTV, which operates YouVersion, in seeking to equip and educate people with biblical content.

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