Editor’s note: Today we gratefully remember those who have died in military service. In light of today’s holiday, Dr. Anne Bradley offers five of her favorite reads on freedom, fulfillment, and flourishing.
As I set up for today’s family barbecue, I’m reminded of the important connection between freedom and flourishing. Holidays are often a good time to reflect on these important principles. To that end, here are five recommended reads for you as you think about freedom and flourishing.
A Three-Point Framework for Freedom, Fulfillment, & Flourishing
Economic, political, and religious freedom are required if we’re to be good stewards of all that God has given us. They’re required if we’re to pursue our callings to the best of our abilities, and help others do the same. Here is a simple, three-point framework for making all these connections. Read it here.
The Role of Freedom in Human Flourishing
I love one of the quotes from “Freedom to Flourish,” the video featured in this post. The narrator says, “There is a way that leads a man to flourish. It is freedom.” This video illustrates the dignity of work and how freedom allows us to live out that dignity as we serve others through our work. Watch it here.
Freedom and Flourishing
Another quick read detailing how freedom makes flourishing possible. Read it here.
Faith, Work, & Foot-Washing: What We Can Learn from Christ’s Example
Our freedom allows us to serve others and be intentional in the lives of those around us. Our work is one way we offer this service, but there are other ways, too. These topics are all covered in this post. Read it here.
A Prayer for Memorial Day
Mark D. Roberts of The High Calling has made it a tradition to offer a prayer on the occasion of Memorial Day. It’s a touching prayer of gratitude for those who currently serve in the military and for those who have given their lives for our freedom. Read it here.
As you celebrate Memorial Day with a reprieve from work, take time to pray for our military men and women. Also pause and realize that your work is a gift from God. It is a way that you can create and build and serve others. We are truly blessed to live in a free society in which we can contribute to flourishing simply by doing our jobs.