
Category: Theology 101

  • Theology 101

There is an important biblical idea that has great implications for our personal spirituality and public life in the church…

  • Theology 101

One of the gifts and challenges of wealth is seeing it as a divine blessing and not as a moral…

  • Theology 101
Reasons to Avoid the Prosperity Gospel

By: Dr. Andrew Spencer

4 minute read

One of the most dangerous perversions of the gospel of Jesus Christ is called the prosperity gospel. It is a version…

  • Theology 101

Common grace is God’s kindness and mercy toward all members of the human race regardless of their spiritual condition. It…

  • Theology 101

We’ve all heard the command to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your self…

  • Theology 101

C .S. Lewis wrote a lot about the Trinity and the love that is at the center of it. He…

  • Theology 101

Last week I wrote about C.S. Lewis’s description of the Trinity as a source of love and personhood. God is love,…

  • Theology 101

One of the most memorable experiences I had as a student at Seattle Pacific University was during a series of…

  • Theology 101

A significant part of the calling of God’s people is to reweave shalom. What does that look like in the…

  • Theology 101

A Barna survey examining changes in worldview among Christians once found that only 19 percent of professing born-again Christians acknowledged…

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