
Category: Theology 101

  • At Work
  • Theology 101
What Are You Gifted to Do?

By: Dr. Art Lindsley

6 minute read

What are you specifically created to do? That is the million-dollar question! To answer this question, we need to understand…

  • Theology 101

You are clothed with splendor and majesty, covering yourself with light as with a garment, stretching out the heavens like a tent…

  • Theology 101
The Counterintuitive Path to Biblical Success

By: Dr. Art Lindsley

6 minute read

Sometimes the world’s idea of success is a number, like a perfect GPA or SAT score. It can be a…

  • Public Square
  • Theology 101

Mark Zuckerberg wants to give you money, but it’s not his money! In a recent Harvard commencement address, Facebook CEO…

  • Theology 101

Are you in the doctrinal, charismatic, or activist “camp” when it comes to your faith? As I’ve discussed in previous…

  • Theology 101
I Can Stream Church: Do I Have to Attend?

By: Dr. Art Lindsley

7 minute read

Have you ever thought about why you go to church? It’s not just for the coffee and donuts, though some…

  • Economics 101
  • Public Square
  • Theology 101

Institute for Faith, Work & Economics is pleased to announce the launch of our latest book, Counting the Cost: Christian…

  • Theology 101

Some of us may be guilty of knowing a lot about God and even having moments of intense emotion in…

  • Theology 101

There’s a powerful scene at the end of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings that was not in the movie….

  • Theology 101
Where Does Spiritual Doubt Come From?

By: Hugh Whelchel

5 minute read

Have you ever questioned your faith in God? According to a recent study from Barna, episodes of doubt about what…

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