
Category: Theology 101

  • Theology 101

Deep within each one of us is a hunger to live a life of significance and purpose. The key to…

  • Theology 101

The world is ravaged by poverty and the way we strive to fight poverty isn’t working. If the goal is flourishing,…

  • Arts & Culture
  • Theology 101

Man is never truly himself except when he is actively creating something. — Dorothy Sayers Dorothy Sayers (1893-1957) was a British…

  • At Work
  • Theology 101

Can a story about four young men in the book of Daniel help us in our struggles as believers in…

  • Public Square
  • Theology 101

As America celebrates Halloween, many here and overseas celebrate an anniversary that changed the world. October 31, 1517 marked the…

  • At Work
  • Theology 101
Why Dishwashing Matters in God’s Kingdom

By: Hugh Whelchel

6 minute read

Called the “hub of five valleys,” Missoula, Montana is encircled by five mountain ranges and is the meeting point of…

  • Public Square
  • Theology 101

This month we celebrate the five-hundredth anniversary of the posting of Martin Luther’s 95 Theses on the church door in…

  • Arts & Culture
  • Theology 101

In 2000, Christianity Today polled its contributors on the top ten books of the twentieth century, and Mere Christianity came…

  • Theology 101

Growing up in rural Florida in the early 60s, our television had only three channels and two of them didn’t…

  • Theology 101

In your job today, you will likely experience the “thorns and thistles” that have come as a result of the…

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