
Category: Theology 101

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  • Theology 101
Can the Poor Truly Flourish?

By: Hugh Whelchel

5 minute read

One of our blog subscribers from Canada recently asked an interesting question after watching our video Freedom to Flourish (below) and…

  • Economics 101
  • Theology 101

What does it look like to live fully for Christ? My IFWE colleague and theologian Hugh Whelchel has laid out…

  • At Work
  • Theology 101

Does the Holy Spirit empower you for work? Absolutely. Understanding the work of the Spirit in scripture helps us understand…

  • At Work
  • Theology 101

One of our readers recently posed a question about our blog entitled 5 Lessons For Our Lives from the Parable…

  • At Work
  • Theology 101

“make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands,…

  • Theology 101

Do the gifts of the Holy Spirit matter for our everyday work? In the Old Testament, there are many gifts…

  • At Work
  • Theology 101

From time to time, we like to share podcasts or videos to give you something encouraging to listen to on…

  • Theology 101
Can Spiritual Gifts Be Used at Work?

By: Dr. Art Lindsley

7 minute read

In order to better understand who we are made to be and what we are to do in our work,…

  • Theology 101

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms…

  • At Work
  • Theology 101

Have you ever heard someone say, “Did you hear about Jim Smith? He quit his job at the bank to…

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