
Category: Theology 101

  • Public Square
  • Theology 101

It has become commonplace to say that we live in a pluralist society – not merely a society which is…

  • Public Square
  • Theology 101
God, the Model Entrepreneur

By: Dr. Brian Baugus

5 minute read

In the beginning, God created… (Gen. 1:1) Throughout the history of Christianity, a sort of Christian hierarchy of accepted vocations…

  • At Work
  • Theology 101
Why Does God Have Me in This Lowly Job?

By: Dr. Art Lindsley

6 minute read

“Climbing the corporate ladder” is a phrase frequently used in a negative way to describe someone who is selfishly advancing…

  • Public Square
  • Theology 101

A recent Barna study reported, “Almost half of Millennials (47 percent) agree at least somewhat that it is wrong to…

  • Theology 101
Knowing the Why, What, and How of Your Calling

By: Dr. Art Lindsley

5 minute read

Our culture has a crisis in calling. We’ve been exploring this crisis, and how a biblical perspective on work can…

  • Theology 101
The Spiritual Economics of Giving

By: Jimmy R. Lewis

5 minute read

All too often sermons on tithing invoke more cringing, frustration, or resentment than actual tithing. The groaning becomes audible, the…

  • Theology 101

“My greatest fear is that my life will not make a difference.” A woman confessed this to me over the…

  • Theology 101

God gave humans not only the physical world, but our own talents—gifts and abilities that we can use to serve…

  • Theology 101
The Glorious Image of Christ in You

By: Nancy Guthrie

5 minute read

My friends, God, by his Spirit, is at work restoring his likeness in you, the way it once was in…

  • Economics 101
  • Theology 101

Why is economics so daunting for people to approach? In a previous post addressing this question, I discussed the problem with modern…

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