
Category: Theology 101

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  • Theology 101

Over the past several months, I have seen occasional glimpses of recent college graduates who are posting on social media…

  • At Work
  • Theology 101

“God has created us in his image so that we may carry out a task, fulfill a mission, pursue a…

  • At Work
  • Theology 101

Armed with Stanford undergraduate and MBA degrees and a fairly new Christian faith, I founded a business in the mid-1970s…

  • At Work
  • Theology 101

So, there I was, breaking numerous dead branches into smaller ones so that they would fit into the leaf bag….

  • At Work
  • Theology 101
Taking Our Faith to Work

By: Russell Gehrlein

7 minute read

Editor’s note: Russell Gehrlein reappeared on the syndicated radio program The Plumb Line, hosted by Jay Rudolph, on Tuesday, March…

  • At Work
  • Theology 101

Editor’s note: Hugh Whelchel, IFWE founder and long-time executive director, passed away on Good Friday after a four-year battle with…

  • At Work
  • Theology 101

Hugh Whelchel, the founder and long-time executive director of the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics, often described heaven as…

  • At Work
  • Theology 101

For many of us, the week after Holy Week leaves us wondering what is next. The period of self-denial is…

  • At Work
  • Theology 101
Graves, Gardens & God at Work

By: John Pletcher

9 minute read

Bright daffodils and green grass are rising. Spring has eagerly sprung where I live. People in our region are buzzing…

  • Theology 101
Christ’s Resurrection & the Joy of Life

By: Dr. Joshua Nangle

3 minute read

As we survey the media landscape, it is easy to become discouraged when we witness suffering and evil throughout the…