
Category: At Work

  • At Work
Is Our Ambition Being Used for God?

By: Hugh Whelchel

6 minute read

“Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands,…

  • Arts & Culture
  • At Work

Back in March, I had an interesting discussion with our unit chaplain. He had given a lot of thought to…

  • At Work
Living Out the Lord’s Prayer at Work

By: Mike Sharrow

5 minute read

Why don’t people say “TGIM?” TGIF (Thank Goodness it’s Friday!) is a popular exclamation for those longing for the end…

  • At Work

Editor’s note: Read part 1 of Douglas Monroe’s tribute to Hugh Whelchel here and part 2 here.  A Focus on…

  • At Work
  • Theology 101

Over the past several months, I have seen occasional glimpses of recent college graduates who are posting on social media…

  • At Work
How to Bear Fruit in Every Good Work

By: Clay Randall

5 minute read

What does “bearing fruit” as a follower of Christ really look like? I wrestled with that question in the summer…

  • At Work

Editor’s note: Read part 1 of Douglas Monroe’s tribute to Hugh Whelchel here. Soon after getting his health diagnosis, I…

  • At Work
  • Theology 101

“God has created us in his image so that we may carry out a task, fulfill a mission, pursue a…

  • At Work

After learning that Hugh Whelchel (1952 – 2024) had passed away on Good Friday (March 29, 2024), I was deeply…

  • At Work
Leading with Hope During Challenging Times

By: Dr. Andrew Spencer

7 minute read

2020 drastically narrowed the field of vision for millions of professionals in the United States. When the lockdowns began, there…

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