At Work

Be Disciples. Make Disciples. Reach the World. Got it? Great. Let’s Go!

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In order to run the race (pursue our callings), as Paul mentions in 2 Timothy 4:7, we must know where we are going.

In the first part of this series, we looked at the race directions given to us at the end of creation. Those directions boil down to this: we pursue intimacy in marriage – we pour our lives into others, and we wisely rule over creation.

In short, our lives are to be a testimony to God and his redemptive work.

Even though our starting point is at the end of creation, our mission is to tell a gospel story. Today we explore the end of the gospel.

Just as our first set of directions are found in Scripture, so are our second. These directions are found in Matthew 28:16-20, the end of the gospel (the Great Commission) which in essence calls us to:

  • Be disciples
  • Make disciples
  • Go out

The more I study this passage, the more it appears to be an extension of our first calling in the Genesis passage: to fill the earth or multiply a godly heritage.

Let’s take a look at this New Testament extension of our Old Testament calling to better understand our three directives.

Be Disciples

In Matthew 28:16-20, Jesus is speaking to the eleven disciples remaining after Judas’s death. He is speaking to his core group, those whom he had poured his life into. The main qualifications for making disciples are knowing Christ, following him, and having other Godly people pouring into you. We are called to be disciples because in so doing, we become more like Christ and his mission of redemption becomes our mission.

Make Disciples

We are called to make disciples by teaching what we ourselves have been taught. It is important to note that teaching goes beyond outlines, definitions, and illustrations. Let your life and your words be above reproach and Christ-centered at all times. This doesn’t mean inserting Jesus into every conversation. However, thinking about every situation from Christ’s perspective may help point others toward him.

Reach the World

Go to every nation? For some of you this means literally yes – start packing your bags! For others, this means to keep going where you are going: going to school, going to work, going to the store, going on vacation, etc. But take the gospel with you at all times and in all situations. You have an audience wherever you go.

Where do we go? Everywhere!

In our relationships, our vocations, and our world we go with a message of redemption; we go to tell a gospel story.

Will this involve change? Absolutely.

Whether it involves a change in the way we love our families, approach life, or even the jobs we hold, something will likely change and when it does, “Oh, the places you’ll go!”

©Mark Dawson 2016

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Further readings on At Work

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