
Author: Bethany JenkinsBethany Jenkins is Vice President of Media at The Veritas Forum. She has also worked in Congress, at the State Department, on Wall Street, in Big Law, at The Gospel Coalition, and at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York. She received her BA from Baylor and JD from Columbia. You can follow her on Twitter.

  • Arts & Culture
  • Theology 101
Without Luther, There Would Have Been No Bach

By: Bethany Jenkins

9 minute read

Martin Luther never met Johann Sebastian Bach. The two Germans were born more than 200 years apart. But without Luther,…

  • Theology 101
Without Luther, There Would Be No Bach

By: Bethany Jenkins

9 minute read

Martin Luther never met Johann Sebastian Bach. The two Germans were born more than 200 years apart. But without Luther,…

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