Public Square

Art Lindsley and Kerby Anderson Discuss Poverty Alleviation from a Biblical Point of View

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How can Christians address poverty from a biblical point of view?

Art Lindsley and Kerby Anderson, host of the Point of View radio talk show, discuss this question on Point of View while promoting the recently-released second edition of For the Least of These: A Biblical Answer to Poverty.

Lindsley remarks,

When people are free to be able to use their creative gifts and abilities to unfold the creative potential of creation around them, then there is fulfillment. And if you get millions of people doing that, there is flourishing.

Lindsley and Kerby also explore questions like:

  • What aspects of poverty can the church speak to?
  • What are the biblical mandates for caring for the poor?
  • What are the major causes of poverty?
  • What factors, when combined, give people a 92 percent chance of staying above the poverty line?

Lindsley also shares anecdotes from For the Least of Thesereferencing Old Testament commands and the stories of an English Lord and a Scottish minister to illustrate how the church has undertaken poverty alleviation throughout the centuries.

Hear these two thought leaders discuss these poverty-related issues by clicking here. Their conversation begins at the 44:50 mark in the show.

How can Christians address poverty from a biblical point of view? Leave your comments here.

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