Robert J. Pacienza, D.Min.
Dr. Robert J. Pacienza is the President of the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics. He also serves as the Senior Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church (Fort Lauderdale, FL), the CEO/President of Coral Ridge Ministries, and the Founder of the Institute for Faith and Culture. He serves on the General Council of the Gospel Reformation Network, serves as Board Member for National Religious Broadcasters, and is a contributor to WORLD Opinions and The Washington Times. Rob is a graduate of Samford University (B.A. ’03), Knox Theological Seminary (M.Div. ’12), and Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia (D.Min. ’23). His doctorate project was entitled, “This Is My Father’s World: A Vision for Equipping Culture-Shaping Christians.”
Rob is married to Jennifer and they have three children–Preston, Lydia, and Lilianne.
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