At Work

Top Ten Books on Faith & Work

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In a previous post, we recommended ten books for people beginning to explore economics. Economics needs context, however. Today I’d like to recommend ten books on integrating faith, work, and culture.

They are all rooted in solid theology. Many of the concepts we’ve discussed on this blog, like the Cultural Mandate or the Four Chapter-Gospel, are more fully explained in these works.

These books helped me shape my own views on faith, work, and economics as I was writing How Then Should We Work? I hope you will find them as useful as I have:

The Call, by Os Guinness – This is a classic work on finding purpose in life. If you’re wondering what to do with your life, read this book.





Designed for Dignity: What God Has Made It Possible for You to Be, by Richard Pratt – Human beings have dignity and purpose because we were created by God. In this book, Richard Pratt explores what being made in God’s image means for our lives here on earth.




Engaging God’s World: A Christian Vision of Faith, Learning, and Living, by Cornelius Plantinga, Jr. – This book explains the central themes of the Christian faith. It also talks about the implications of these themes for our vocations in the world.




Heaven Is Not My Home: Learning to Live In God’s Creation, by Paul Marshall – This book is about Restoration, the fourth chapter of the Four-Part Gospel. Paul Marshall also looks at the role Christians play in God’s plan for restoring earth.




Kingdom Calling: Vocational Stewardship for the Common Good, by Amy Sherman – Understanding our vocations and our callings can have a huge impact on our communities. This book tells us how that’s possible. I found it helpful because of the real-life stories of faith in action that Sherman tells.




Why Business Matters to God (And What Still Needs to Be Fixed), by Jeff Van Duzer – Van Duzer combines Biblical studies, business, and economics to create a Christian approach to business. If you’ve ever wondered how business can be a force for good, read this book. It’s also an encouraging read if you’re a businessperson who feels that the church has ignored your vocation.




God at Work: Your Christian Vocation, by Gene Edward Veith, Jr. – Veith explains the doctrine of vocation in a way that’s easy to understand. I appreciated how this book helped me see how God is at work in even the ordinary moments of my life where I wouldn’t expect Him to be at work.




Wisdom and Wonder: Common Grace in Science & Art, by Abraham Kuyper – Abraham Kuyper was a Dutch theologian and statesman. This particular work of his is a good starting point for anyone interested in integrating their faith with their views on work and culture.




To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy, and Possibility of Christianity in the Late Post-Modern World, by James Davison Hunter – Hunter lays out all the arguments for why Christians need to be involved in key cultural institutions in order to change the world.




How Then Should We Work? Rediscovering the Biblical Doctrine of Work, by Hugh Whelchel – At the risk of being accused of shameless self-promotion, I do want to recommend my new book. I truly believe it will help and encourage you if you are looking to find deeper meaning in your life. I also think it will aid you in discovering a more spiritually fulfilling purpose for your work.


Are there any other books about faith and work that you would recommend? 

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