At Work & Theology 101

Peace of Mind in a Rapidly Changing World

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As an undergraduate, I had a professor who had recently completed his doctoral studies. Even though he was only a few years removed from completing his doctoral program, he told us that within a short period of time, the focus of his doctoral studies would be outdated. If he wanted to remain relevant in his field, he would have to continue to learn; otherwise, the rapidly changing world and workplace would move beyond him.

Working in a fast-moving world can cause great anxiety if our sense of security is found in the wrong places. Markets change, governments rise and fall, and this instability can bring discouragement if our highest hope is placed in these institutions. If we are honest, it is easier to believe that God created the world than it is to believe he is still in control. When we turn on the news, we witness a world that is morally distant from the world God created in Genesis 1-2. Believing God created the world requires acknowledging a historical fact; believing God is still in control requires faith because what we see and hear seems out of control.

More Than Just Our Creator

In Colossians 1:15-20, the Apostle Paul provides us with a beautiful Christology. While there are many timeless truths in this passage, there are two that instill peace as we navigate a changing world. 

The first truth is that Christ is our creator. Referring to Christ, Paul writes, “For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him” (Col. 1:16, ESV). The Son of God is both creator and the purpose for why “all things were created.” 

But as powerful and important as this truth is, Paul doesn’t want his audience to focus only on this historical reality. The second truth is even more important. Not only is Christ the creator, Paul writes, but he continues to take great interest in his creation: “And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together” (Col. 1:17). Christ is our creator, but a second truth is he is also our sustainer. 

In other words, what Christ creates, he sustains. This is powerful because we already read that “by him all things were created.” Whether it be governing authorities, the church, family, or the workplace, these institutions were created by Christ and for Christ, and if he created them, he can sustain them. This provides each of us with great hope because within the chaos of this world, Christ is still in control. We may not always be able to see how he is working on our behalf, but we can be at peace in knowing what he creates, he sustains. 

He Sustains You in Your Work

These truths are especially applicable in the workplace: 

  • If you are an entrepreneur, Christ will be your source of strength when that new business venture seems to be hanging on by a thread. Remember, he is your provider. 
  • If you are in higher education, Christ will give you strength when you are weary from a long semester. 
  • If you are in vocational ministry, Christ is your supply when this world is your demand.

Whatever your work looks like, there will be challenges and frequent change that will be wearisome at times. But you can rest in the consistency and faithfulness of Christ because you can always depend on him (Heb. 13:8). If he called you, he will sustain you to the end because, ultimately, your life is not about you. It is about him, and what he starts, he finishes.

Further readings on At Work & Theology 101

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  • Theology 101
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