Faith & Work in Indonesia
A recent NPR report showed an angry crowd surrounding a handful of Christians trying to gather in Indonesia.
“Kill them! Burn them,” they chanted.
Even though the Indonesian Supreme Court ruled that the Christians were free to open their church for worship, the mayor and local hard-liners tried to prevent them from gathering.
A few years ago, a brave group of Indonesian Christians found IFWE online and asked if they could translate our materials. They heard the gospel anew in the IFWE message. They were excited to learn that through their personal faith in Jesus Christ and their everyday work, the God of the universe is redeeming creation.
These brothers and sisters in Jakarta, Indonesia have a plan to share IFWE’s gospel message of faith and work in their country. They are building schools, hospitals, and seminaries. They are hosting conferences and sharing the love of Jesus in unique ways to get around the hard-liners who block public Christianity.
They invited me to speak this fall at a conference for 5,000 people that was also streamed online to 5,000 more. I even appeared on a large Indonesian television station.
Your investment in IFWE has helped thousands of Indonesians to either see the gospel for the first time or in a fresh way.
IFWE has the opportunity to empower Christians in other countries to impact the world through their work. We have received requests to translate our materials into Portuguese, Spanish, and even Japanese:
- Anne Bradley, vice president of economic initiatives here at IFWE, recently spoke in Brazil at a Christian college that would like to use our materials in Portuguese to reach 15,000 students.
- Art Lindsley, vice president of theological initiatives, is partnering with Hispanic pastors to get IFWE materials in front of 50,000 pastors in Central and South America in order to correct prosperity gospel teaching that plagues so many of their churches.
- Our partners in Japan want to reach a culture in which work is a constant idol.
By the grace of God, 20 percent of our blog subscribers are now outside the United States.
Will you consider a tax-deductible gift to share the gospel with a wider audience through the faith, work, and economics message?
Your gift today will support IFWE’s online outreach efforts and broaden the reach of our materials by translating them into four languages, spoken in 30 countries.
Will you help?
Together we can share the gospel through the simple message that God has a purpose for our work in countries where it is desperately needed.
In Christ,
Hugh Whelchel
Executive Director
© CEphoto, Uwe Aranas / CC-BY-SA-3.0