Public Square

5 Great Organizations That Helped the Poor in 2013

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Bruce Strom, Executive Director of Administer Justice, accepts the Hope Award.
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Do you want to see examples of ministries that are really good at helping others?

As we celebrate the close of 2013 this week, we need look no further than WORLD News Group’s Hope Award for Effective Compassion. This contest recognizes and awards some of the best nonprofit Christian organizations of the year.

The winner for 2013? Administer Justice, an organization in the Midwest that provides individuals with legal services and advice that they could otherwise not afford.

Four other finalists represent each region of the United States as well as a country abroad:

The rules of the contest are simple, and there are just a few criteria that eligible organizations must meet:

It has to be an explicitly Christian non-profit organization that emphasizes challenging, personal, and spiritual help to those in need. We’ve found over the years that thoughtful, individual commitment is essential if compassion – which literally means “with suffering” – is to be effective. In contrast, many federal welfare programs feed bureaucracies, enable unproductive behavior among recipients, and attempt to banish God.

Want to learn more about the contest in 2014 or the featured organizations for 2013? Visit WORLD News Group’s page here.

Do you know of any organizations that have demonstrated effective Christian compassion this year? Leave your comments here.

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